- NAME : Prof. K. Rama Sudha
- Office :+ 91-891-2844091
- Email : director.aucc@andhrauniversity.edu.in
Andhra University is having a structured strategic plan to strengthen the computerization and networking of administration. The vision of the computer centre is to provide complete, latest and cost-effective solution to all IT enabled activities in the University. The Campus network bandwidth 100Mbps is upgraded to 1 Gigabit Backbone Connectivity with a view to provide secured administrative computing services to facilitate teaching and administrative tasks. As a precautionary measure, it is equipped with BSNL Network bandwidth of 200mbps to the university for meeting the unexpected failures.
There is an extensive effort to provide a central computing facility with Network Server for all the students as well as staff of the University to provide Internet and Wifi facility. The bandwidth is sufficiently raised for the departments and the Computer Centre wherever necessary. A consolidated network will definitely improve the performance of the Internet accessibility across the University constituent colleges.
The Computer Centre, AU has developed a software portal to pay the tuition fee through online, which facilitates the students of all University Constituent Colleges for paying the fee from their residences. Whenever the results are announced, the students are to be provided the information (SMS) through their registered mobiles, which facilitates them not to wait for receiving the marks statements.
The University has installed the surveillance cameras in the departments, students' hostels and some sections to monitor and assess the functioning of the respective offices. The online Aadhar-based attendance is being taken from the faculty and non-teaching staff and also is extending the same to the campus students.
Being large campus network maintaining secure network, the computer centre has installed an antivirus (kaspersky) for 500 users. The entire admission process is computerized and admissions are carried through on-line counseling. The CAO is provided with Wi-Fi facility and with Cisco UCS chassis 5108 with two Cisco blade servers with fabric interconnect, EMC storage of 6TB with secure remote control gateway clients. Official emails about 25,000 are provided to the Administrators/Principals/Deans/Directors/Coordinators/ faculty/scholars.
Both wired and wireless LAN is available. Whole campus network is on optical fibre. For wireless connectivity the campus has Cisco 2504 wireless controller with 50 AP licenses, Cisco catalyst 4500 E-series switch with controlling licensed software, catalyst 2960S 24 GigE, fXSFP LAN Base, Cisco catalyst 3560X24 port data LAN Base.
Four E-class rooms equipped with electronic team boards, audio, internet and other equipment used for interactive sessions and the proceedings can be recorded. Most of these rooms can accommodate about 50 to 200 members.
The University has equipped about 15 Digital Class rooms in Andhra University College of Engineering for benefitting the students. It helps the student community for training towards digitalization to compete with other Higher Learning Institutions. Steps have been taken for extending of 40 more E-class rooms from this academic year.
The computer center has taken up a project for introduction of automation in the Accounts Wing. It facilitates the day-to-day remittances and transactions of the university as well as the receipts from the various affiliated colleges.
To achieve the goals of E-governance, the university is planning to introduce the e-filing, file-tracking system, etc. It facilitates to pave the way to give solutions and make decisions for speedy administration on the part of the University.
In coming five years, to synchronize all the activities in the areas like administration, admissions, research, teaching, placement schedules, cultural events, sports, publication of results, it has a view to strengthen the administration digitally and give strong support for its end-users.
The university has a surveillance system which covers all the important places. It will be extended to fix up at least 250 cctv cameras in and around the campus for monitoring and recording the footage in the University server.
The Computer centre has installed 84 Biometric devices for teaching and non-teaching staff for taking daily attendance, all these biometric devices are connected to NIC. It has further planned to install 350 biometric devices for students and research scholars for taking attendance under RUSA funds.
The campus wide area network is for connecting the various departments /admin buildings. The core backbone employs single mode optical fiber connecting various departments. At certain places multi-mode fiber optic cable was used. At present the campus wide networking, IT service support and software development is being executed by Andhra University Computer Centre.
AUCC provides the following facilities and services:I. www.andhrauniversity.edu.in mail services in Google cloud
II. www.exams.andhrauniversity.edu.in web site maintenance
III. Anti-virus updates/installation in campus colleges
IV. Network maintenance
V. Internet connectivity and bandwidth, maintenance
VI. Network security and authentication services
VII. Student information/data maintenance
VIII. Pre and post exam data processing
IX. DD Cell computerization
X. Pensioners Pay slips online
AUCC is in the process of expanding its activities to provide assured unlimited campus connectivity to every nook and corner of the University. Over the last one year an enormous growth in network usage was observed in the campus with various changes and configurations in the critical parts of the network. Partially a few hostels were extended with wired and wireless network connectivity in addition to computers.