- Name :Prof. G. Girija Sankar
- Designation : Faculty Chairman
- Email: facultychairman.pharmacy@andhrauniversity.edu.in
1. The dean/chairman of faculty shall preside at all meetings of the faculty; but in his absence the members present shall elect a chairman from among themselves.
2. With regard to any point of order or matter of procedure the decision of the dean/chairman shall be final.
3. A faculty chairman shall have power:
i) To consider and report on any matter referred to it by the academic senate.
ii) To draft regulations in regard to the courses of study and examinations prescribed by the university and to lay such regulations before the academic senate.
iii) To remit any matter to a board of studies comprises within the faculty for consideration and report either to it or to the academic senate direct.
iv) To consider any report or recommendation of any board of studies.
v) To appropriate a committee of the faculty for any purpose within the cognizance or powers of the faculty.
vi) To hold meetings of the faculty or a committee of the faculty along with another faculty or a committee thereof for the discussion of any matter of common interest.