Students Affairs

- NAME : Prof. Vijaya Mohan
- MOBILE : +91 891 - 284 4499
- Office : +91 891 - 284 4498
- Email : /
It has long been recognized that education should contribute to social and economic development, while bringing out treasure within the student. In other words, education systems should aim at the development of a holistic personality of the student by fostering a deeper and more harmonious form of human development to inculcate values like respect for tradition, loyalty to culture and ideals of service. In pursuance of these goals under the guidance of Association of Indian Universities, Andhra University has been putting its best efforts, for the last few decades. Consequently several of its students excelled themselves in the fields of Music, Literary and Cultural activities and in public life with an amount of sensitization, motivation and training provided by the University during their stay on the campus.
The report of Radhakrishnan made an important recommendation as early as in 1948 for the appointment of Dean of Students Welfare for coordinating student services in all Indian Universities. Subsequently the Education Commission in 1966 also recommended that Universities should appoint Dean of Students Welfare. The University Grants Commission sent communications to all Universities to initiate the formation of Department of Students Welfare. Andhra University christened the designation as Dean, Students' Affairs and earlier the Office have been headed by several experienced and learned faculty on honorary basis. The Dean defined his role as "an administrative officer whose chief concern is for the development of all the facets of education, which occur outside the classroom." Ragging or any other matter of Urgency on the campus or in the Hostels, students can contact the Dean of Students' Affairs. Thus t he mission of our office is to guide, support and challenge students in order that they may attain their full academic and personal potential at Andhra University and beyond.
1. Anti Ragging Activity
2. Counseling to Students on the Campus
3. To Develop Leadership Skills
4. Conduction of Debating and Elocution Competitions
5. Medical and Blood Donation Camps
6. Youth and Cultural Festivals
7. Essay Writing Competitions
8. Representation of Students for Republic Day Parade