College Development Council (CDC)

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As the number of affiliated colleges is growing year by year, the UGC felt that there is an urgent need for creating an appropriate body at the university headquarters for ensuring the proper planning and integrated development of affiliated colleges and to provide the colleges necessary help and guidance. Thus the College Development Council (CDC) was evolved in Andhra University during the year 1986. The establishment of the CDC with the active and willing participation of various academic and administrative constituents, as envisaged by the UGC, is a welcome step in the direction of improvement of standards of higher education.
The main function of CDC is to serve as an academic guide to the college system on the one hand and on the other to ensure interaction between academic faculties in the university departments and teachers in the colleges. The CDC also conducts meetings with the Principals of affiliated colleges to appraise them and elicit suggestions with regard to the functioning of the CDC. In this regard, the CDC also consults different bodies of the university for the promotion, coordination and raising the standards of education in colleges. It also acts as a regulatory body in regard to proper planning and integrated development of colleges and furnish such information to the UGC and other bodies; advice the university on all matters relating to development of affiliated colleges, such as provision of adequate facilities – academic and physical – for raising the standard of learning, teaching and research and its periodic evaluation for enabling the university to maintain reasonable continuity of policy in regard to development of colleges. It also evaluates and assesses the impact of UGC grants utilized by the colleges for the implementation of various development projects in addition to various functions like reviewing the inspection reports of New Colleges as well as existing colleges and suggest remedies for the defects and irregularities reported.
13/06/2019 :: Andhra University - Affiliated colleges-students transfers/readmissions for the academic year 2019-2020..
30/01/2018 :: AU Affiliated Colleges - B.Ed Colleges- Rectification of deficiencies, 2018.
15/11/2017 :: AU Affiliated Colleges - NIRF Rankings, 2018 - Registration on the NIRF Poratal.
03/10/2017 :: AU affiliated Colleges-NIRF Rankings,2018 - Registration on the NIRF Portal.
02/10/2017 :: APSCHE - NIRF Rankings, 2018 - Registration of Universities & Colleges by 6.10.2017 - Reg..
26/09/2017 :: UG Courses - Circular for AU affiliated Colleges-Bio-metric attendance..
22/08/2017 :: UG Courses - Circular for all the Principals..
18/08/2017 :: Circular for all the Principals..
29/07/2017 :: Affiliated Colleges-B.Ed. Courses-Staff approval Clearance of Dues-Fulfillment of deficiencies.
24/07/2017 :: Meeting with the principals and correspondants of Affiliated Colleges on 25th July 2017 at YVS MURTHY Auditorium.
04/07/2017 :: Affiliated Colleges - Students transfer for the academic year 2017-2018.
27/05/2017 :: Workshop on Research Based Pedagogical Tools (RBPTs) for Teachers of Undergraduate Science and Mathematics Course. 6-9 October, 2017. At Human Resource Development Centre(HRDC), Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur,Chhattisgarh. Page-1 || Page-2 || Application Form.
26/05/2017 :: Meeting with the principals of Affiliated Colleges on 30th May 2017 at 11.30 A.M.
26/05/2017 :: Affiliated Colleges - B.Ed. Courses - Staff Approval - Clearance of dues - fulfillment of deficiencies.
23/05/2017 :: AU CDC - Selection of teachers for the pilot on English Communication and Soft skills. || APSHCE-British Council Pilot on English Communication and Soft Skills targeted at training of 100,000 students in Andhra Pradesh.
23/05/2017 :: AU Affiliated Colleges - Engg., Pharmacy and other Processional Colleges like MBA MCA BED LAW etc - Maintenance of College Website - mandatory. || APSCHE - Engineering, Pharmacy and other Processional Colleges like MBA MCA BED LAW etc - Maintenance of College Website - mandatory.
04/05/2017 :: A.U. Affiliated Colleges :: Train the Trainee Programme in collaboration with APSSDC.
22/04/2017 :: Affiliated Colleges - B.Ed. Courses - Staff Approval - Clearance of dues - fulfillment of deficiencies.
22/04/2017 :: A.U. Affiliated Colleges - Bio-metric attendence in Affiliated Colleges.
17/04/2017 :: Meeting with Correspondents & Principals AU Affiliated Colleges - Vizianagaram District.
15/04/2017 :: Meeting with Correspondents & Principals AU Affiliated Colleges - Visakhapatnam District.
06/04/2017 :: Affiliated Colleges - Inspections - Certain Instructions.
07/01/2005 :: OFFICE MEMORANDUM.
03/02/2017 :: Affiliated Colleges - BEd Courses - Staff Approval.
24/01/2017 :: Affiliated Colleges - obtain affiliation orders and no-dues Certificate from University.
18/01/2017 :: Affiliated Colleges - BEd Courses - Submission of strength particulars.
17/01/2017 :: Affiliated Colleges - BEd Courses - Staff Approval.
24/12/2016 :: Affiliated Colleges - Reserves/Corpus funds.
14/12/2016 :: Affiliated Colleges - No Dues.
09/12/2016 :: Affiliated Colleges - MHRD Direction.
05/12/2016 :: Affiliated Colleges - Intimation Constittion of Governing Body.
05/12/2016 :: Affiliated Colleges - Conduct a rally along with students.
21/11/2016 :: Meeting with Principals AU Affiliated Colleges - NIRF - Alumni Employees and students AAdhaar Based Biometric Attendance System.
17/11/2016 :: NIRF - not uploading data - explanation called for.
17/11/2016 :: Affiliated Colleges - Instructions.
15/11/2016 :: Affiliated Colleges - Implementation of Bio-metric attendance for students, teaching and Non-teaching.