- Name : Prof. T. Sobha Sri
- Designation : Director
- Phone : 9848097091
- Fax : +91 891 - 2755324
- Email : ambedkarstudies@andhrauniversity.edu.in
Andhra University is proposing to establish Ambedkar Chair with the thrust areas of Ambedkarism, Social Justice, Legal Studies, Social Policy and Development in Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College of Law, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
This Law College was named after Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College of Law in year 1989 and Bhart Ratna, Baba Sahib Dr. B.R.Abmedkar Statue was erected in front of the College one of the Heritage Buildings in Andhra University Campus and since then on every important occasion and function of the University is started with the garlanding of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Statue. Ambedkar Jayanthi (birth) and Vardhanthi (death) anniversary celebrations are conducted every year in this University with great zeal, dedication and commitment to the Ambedkarism. In the year 2013, a Life-Size Statue was erected in front of the Andhra University Central Administrative Building. In fact, Andhra University is a Social Justice Lab in which social chemistry of Andhra Pradesh State is practiced in true spirit. Substantially Women, Schedule Castes, Schedule Tribes, Backward Classes and Minority Students are studying in the University.
In the University employment, Social Justice is strictly implemented through effective implementation of reservation policy. In the University, Department of Ghandian Studies was started with the support of Department of Social work. Now it is proposed to establish ‘Ambedkar Chair’ in Andhra University which is a long felt need in the Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Law College of Andhra University.
After the formation of Telengana, already established Central University went to the Telengana Region. Now it is proposed to establish new Central University in Andhra Pradesh. Andhra University is a hub for research and training in coastal Andhra in general and Srikakulam, Vizayanagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari and West Godavari Districts in particular. In this backdrop, it is appropriate to establish ‘Ambedkar Chair’ in Andhra University Law College.