- Name : Dr. K.S.N.Murthy
- Designation : Medical Officer
- Phone : 91-891-2844299, 2754502 (O)
- Fax : 91-891-2525611
- Email : health@andhrauniversity.edu.in
A.U. Health Centre formerly known as A.U. Dispensary was established in 1933 with first Senior Medical Officer was Dr.E.M.Sastry and it was modified as A.U. Health Centre in 1981 with Senior Medical Officer and three Medical Officers. The Health Centre is mainly meant for medical, health and health hazards of A.U. students. The Health Centre is providing services round the clock to the satisfaction of students, scholars, teaching and non-teaching members and their family members with Senior Medical Officer, Two Medical Officers, Two Lady Medical Officers, and Six Visiting consultants. A large number of students staying in the A.U.Campus utilize the Hospital services as and when needed round the clock. There is a separate Homoeopathy Clinic attached to Health Centre in University.
Facilities in A.U.Campus Hospital:
- Clinical Lab
- Bio-chemical Lab
- X-Ray
- E.C.G.
- Minor Surgical Operation theatre
- Physiotherapy Unit
- Ambulance facility round the clock
- Dispensing medicines round the clock free of cost.
- Emergency cases round the clock by duty Doctors and para medical staff
- E.N.T.
- Orthopaedic
- Dermatology
- Physioteraphy
- Ophthalmology
services are made available to patients including dependents of the teaching and non-teaching staff members on free of cost. The retired employees and the pensioners family members are also eligible for outpatient and in-patient treatment in the ward on free of charge. Round the clock Ambulance services facility has been provided at AUHC for prompt treatment and transport to the Medical college Hospital with dedicated staff during day and night. The functioning of North Campus dispensary in A.U.Engineering College campus and Homoeo Dispensary near A.U.Registrar Office and Special clinic in A.U.Ladies Hostel, Maharanipeta was satisfactory. Regular Health check-up and medical examinations are arranged for students and staff members at the time of joining into colleges and departments and also retirement on medical grounds and commutation of tension etc.
Working Hours
S.No | Out Patient clinic | Working Hours | Week Days | |
From | To | |||
1 | Regular Medical O.P | 9.00 A.M 3.30 P.M |
12.30 P.M |
Daily |
2 | Orthopaedic O.P | 9.00 A.M | 11.00 A.M |
Tuesday, Friday |
3 | Dermatology O.P | 3.30 P.M | 5.30 P.M |
Tuesday , Friday |
4 | E.N.T O.P | 3.30 P.M | 5.30 P.M | Monday, Thursday |
5 | Physiotherapy | 11.00 A.M | 1.00P.M |
Monday, Thursday |
6 | Opthalmology O.P | 3.30 P.M | 5.30P.M | Friday, Saturday |
7 | Dental O.P | 9.00 A.M | 11.00A.M |
Wednesday, Saturday |
8 | Deaddiction O.P | 8.30 A.M 3.30 P.M |
12.30 P.M |
Daily |
9 | Accidents & Sports Injuries | 8.30 A.M 3.30 P.M |
12.30 P.M 5.30 P.M |
Daily |