- Name :Prof. T. Sobhasri
- Designation : Principal
- Phone : (+91) 98480 97091
- Email : iaseprincipal@andhrauniversity.edu.in
The National policy on Education, 1986 has stressed on the need for the restructuring and reorganized of teacher Education as a part of educational reconstructing in the country. Accordingly the Department of Education Ministry of Human Resources Development , New Delhi, selected about 250 existing secondary Teacher Education institutions of an adequate standard and good reputation during VII plan period and provided financial assistance by upgrading these institutions in order to strengthen the teacher education programme in the country. Out of these, 50 specially selected institutions have been upgraded as the institutions of Advanced Study in Education. The Ministry of Human Resources Development has approved the up gradation of six universities Departments of Education into Institutions of Advanced study in Education in the state and the I.A.S.E. Andhra University is one among them. The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE-SRC), Banglore has accorded permission to run B.Ed. course from the year 1998 and M.Ed. Course from the year 2000 in the IASE Andhra University.
The I.A.S.E. Andhra University started functioning from the academic year 1998-1999. The Institute has been offering pre-service and in-service training programmes for secondary school teachers. The institute is offering B.Ed. and M.Ed., courses with an intake of 100 and 30 students respectively. The Candidates are being admitted into the B.Ed. programmes on the basis of the rank obtained by their rank in the order of merit at the state level Education Common Entrance Test (EdCET) and into then M.Ed., programme on the basis of the merit rank obtained at the entrance test conducted by the Andhra University (AUCET).
A part from the pre-service training programmes the Institute has also been offering in-service education programmes on the basis of the felt-needs of the teachers, teacher educators and educational managers.
The Institute is located in a three-stored building with all necessary Infrastructural facilities.
Name | Designation | Qualification | Specialization |
Prof. T. Sobhasri | Professor & Principal, IASE |
M.A., Ph.D. | Medical & Psychiatry |
Dr. D. Nagaraja Kumari | Assistant Professor & Chairperson - Board of Studies Education (P.G) |
M.A., M.A.(Edn), Ph.D. | Educational Psychology, Advanced Educational Research, Political Economy, Inclusive Education |
Dr. T. Sharon Raju | Assistant Professor & Chairman - Board of Studies Education (U.G), Associate Dean, Dean of Students Affairs |
M.Sc., M.A.(Phil), M.A. (Socio), M.A.(Pub Admn), M.Ed., PGDIAE, DES, Ph.D. |
Pedagogy of Biological science, Philosophical and sociological foundations of education, Educational Administration and management |
Dr. N. Sony Havilah | Assistant Professor (C) | M.Sc.(Zoology), M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., M.A.(English) |
Pedagogy of Biological science, Advanced Educational Research, Learning Assessment, Environmental Education |
Dr. G. Vidyavathi | Assistant Professor (C) | M.Sc.(Physics), M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., |
Pedagogy of physical science, ICT, Educational Research, Teacher Eduation, CMLAR |
Dr. K. Tirumalamba | Assistant Professor (C) | M.A.(Philosophy), M.Ed., M.A.(Psychology), M.A(Telugu), PG Diploma in Guidance and Counselling M.Phil., Ph.D.,APSET, Ph.D in Education |
Philosophical foundations of education, Sociological foundations of education, Perspectives of child Development, Understanding self, Educational studies and Educational Psychology, Teacher Education |
Dr. Y. Sridevi | Assistant Professor (C) | M.A.(Politics), M.A.(Education), M.A.(Telugu), M.Phil., Ph.D., |
Pedagogy of Social science, Pedagogy of Telugu, Contemporary India and Education, Teacher Education |
Dr. K.V. Prasanna Kumari | Assistant Professor (C) | M.A.(English), M.A.(Education), M.B.A.(Finance), M.Phil., Ph.D., |
Pedagogy of English, Communicative English and expository writing, Curriculum studies, Academic Writing |
Dr. M. Pushpa Rajyam | Assistant Professor (C) | M.sc(chemistry), M.A(Englilsh), M.Ed, Ph.D., |
ICT, Perspectives of Child development, understanding self, Educational studies, Teacher Education, Curriculum studies |
Name | Designation |
Prof. R. Siva Prasadh | Honorary Professor |
IASE, Andhra University established a library of its own with a plinth area of 1000 sft., which could accommodate 40 students at a time. The library consists of about 1277 books, 9 journals and 5 magazines worth of more than Rs. 3,00,000/- This is an additional facility to our students apart from the central library of the university namely Dr. V. S. Krishna Memorial Library.Computer Laboratory:
Computer Laboratory was developed with 10 latest multimedia systems and two Printers with LAN and Internet facility in a plinth area of 400sft with AC facility. 10 students can work simultaneously and 40 students can assemble for theory.Seminar Hall:
The institute has a well-equipped and fully furnished seminar hall with a roundtable with a seating capacity of 50 participants. The seminar hall is equipped with conference sound system with individual mikes to each participant and facilities for OHP and LCD Presentations.Educational Technology Laboratory:
Educational Technology Laboratory consists of 29 Colour Television, Video Cassette Recorder, Automatic Slide Projector, Over Head Projector, Tape Recorder cum VCD Player, Public Address System, Educational Videos, Audio Cassettes and CDs.Biological Science Laboratory:
It consists of equipment worth of Rs.95,000/- established in 500sft plinth area provided with worktables, specimens, models, charts, microscopes, dissection apparatus, working models, mounted models, student-prepared models, charts, slides and transparencies.Physical Science Laboratory:
Physical science Laboratory, which consists of equipment worth of Rs.1,25,000/- established in 500sq.ft plinth area provided with all facilities for both physics and chemistry experiments. The students of B.Ed. had developed various static and working models, Charts, graphs and drawings.Social Studies Laboratory:
Social Studies Laboratory consists of Maps, Globes, working models, charts and drawings of various concepts of social studies.Classrooms:
The Institute has well-furnished classrooms with very good lighting and ventilation. They are equipped with American style Teakwood chairs, teachers' tables and green glass-boards.
Major Research Project: Case Study of Value Education Programme of Rishi Vidyalaya Gurukulum (2003-2004) - NCERT, New Delhi.
Amount: Rs.1,00,000/-
Principal Investigator: Dr. R. Siva PrasadMinor research project: The Impact of In-service Training Programmes on the Performance of Primary School Teachers" UGC unassigned grant for 2002-2003.
Amount: Rs.10,000/-
Principal Investigator: Dr. M Prabhakara Rao
Publication of Books and Self Instructional Course material - 20
Publication and Presentation of papers - 53 3. M.Ed. Dissertations - 47