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  • Name : Prof. T. V. Praveen
  • Designation : Head of the Department
  • Phone: 0891 2844775, 4774
  • Email: head.civil@andhrauniversity.edu.in
  • Vision:
    To become a prominent hub of quality Civil Engineering education and research contributing significantly for efficient sustainable development at regional, national and international levels.
    Educating and mentoring the students to meet the emerging challenges in Civil Engineering field.
    Performing the basic and applied research that will positively impact and improve Civil Engineering profession.
    Serving as a reliable and resourceful professional centre for the society through consultancy activities and continuing education programmes.


The Department of Civil Engineering had its inception in the year 1955 as a section of the Engineering Department, a constituent campus college of the Andhra University colleges. It was elevated to the status of an individual department in 1969 and under the efficient stewardship of late Prof. K. Krishnamacharyulu (Head of the department from 1955 to 1980), it expanded to be able to currently offer two undergraduate programmes, four post-graduate programmes and two postgraduate evening programmes along with doctoral programmes in all the specializations of Civil Engineering.

Two postgraduate programmes were started in 1963, with specialization in Structural Engineering and Public Health Engineering, when some of the faculty returned to the department after earning higher degrees from universities in USA. Starting of PG courses in specializations of Hydraulics and Soil Mechanics followed later.

The Department as a part of best practices awards every year a gold medal constituted by Organising Committee, International Conference on RRR (1994) for the best outgoing 4th year student and also a cash prize donated by Dr. S.V.K. Sarma and Smt. Santha Kumari for the best outgoing student of M.Tech. (HCH).

Several teachers of the department have won Best Teacher Award and Best Researcher Award, authored textbooks, chaired sessions at International conferences, occupied positions of Vice-chancellor in various Universities and also Directorship of IIT.

Many students earned MS and Ph.D. degrees from prestigious foreign universities. The department is very active in industrial and technical consultancy and is viewed as one of the active contributors of internal revenue generation for the university.

The department has been sanctioned an amount of Rs. 58.40 lakhs under Special Assistance Programme at DRS Level by UGC for a period of 5 years (2012-2017).

The department has also been sanctioned an amount of Rs. 132.00 lakhs under Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Universities and Higher Educational Institutions (FIST) Program by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India for a period of 5 years (2018-2023).

Name Affiliation Joining Date with the Department Areas of Research Interest
Prof. Rao S. Govindaraju Bowen Engineering Head and Christopher B. and Susan S. Burke Professor of the Lyles School of Civil Engineering at Purdue University January 1, 2021 Surface and Subsurface Modeling of Water and Contaminant Movement
Prof. M. R. Madhav Visiting Professor, IIT Hyderabad; Emeritus Professor, JNTU Hyderabad; Formerly Professor &Head of Civil Engg., IITKanpur March 2, 2021 Ground Engineering in Soft Clays, Reinforced Soil Structures, Application of Probabilistic Methods to Geotechnical Engineering, Granular piles
Name Designation Qualification Specialization
Prof. D.S.R.Murty Professor Ph.D. Structural Engg.
Prof. G.V.R.Srinivasa Rao Professor Ph.D. Environmental Engg. &
Construction Management.
Prof. T. V. Praveen Professor &
Head of the Department
Ph.D. Water Resources Engg.
Prof. K. Rambabu Professor &
Chairman, BOS
Ph.D. Structural Engg.
Prof. G.V.Rama Rao Professor Ph.D. Structural Engg.
Prof. C.N.V.Satyanarayana Reddy Professor & Director, Development Centre Ph.D. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engg
Prof. S.Bala Prasad Professor Ph.D. Public Health Engg.
Prof. P.V.V.Satyanarayana Professor Ph.D. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engg.
Prof. B.Vijaya Saradhi Professor Ph.D. Public Health Engg.
Prof. K.Durga Rani Professor Ph.D. Transportation Engg.
Prof. Vazeer Mahammood Professor & Assoc. Director, DOA Ph.D. Water Resources Engg.
Prof. K.Srinivasa Rao Professor & Dean, Engineering Works Ph.D. Structural Engg.
Prof. S.Adiseshu Professor Ph.D. Civil Engineering.
Prof. Yerramsetty Abbulu Professor & Chief, Empl. Inf. & Guidance Bureau Ph.D. Water Resources Engg & Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
Ms. G.Sireesha Associate Professor M.S. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engg.
Prof. SK.Y.Dani Professor Ph.D. Structural Engg.
Dr. T.Usha Madhuri Associate Professor Ph.D. Environmental Engg.
Dr. I.Sivaparvathi Associate Professor Ph.D. Water Resources Engg.
Dr. M.G.Muni Reddy Associate Professor Ph.D. Coastal & Ocean Engg.
Dr. K.Rajasekhar Asst. Professor Ph.D. Structural Engg.
Sr.No Particulars Number Area in sq.m Seating Capacity
1 Lecture Rooms 10 1000 4(40)+6(20)
2 Seminar/Conference Rooms 02 325 1(80),1(100)
3 Staff Rooms 24 550 26
4 Others 01 30 25
5 Computational Laboratory 01 30 20
Civil Engineering Scheme and Syllabus ( With effect from 2020-21 admitted batch)
B.Tech (CIVIL ENGINEERING) & B.Tech + M. Tech Dual Degree (CIVIL ENGINEERING) (Effective from 2019-20 Admitted Batch)
M.Tech. (SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING) (with effect from 2019-20 Admitted Batch)