- Name : Prof. Vazeer Mahammood
- Designation : Head of Department
- Email: head.geo@andhrauniversity.edu.in
The Department of Geo-Engineering and Department of Geo-Engineering & Resource Development Technology Resource development technology is an interdisciplinary Department, having routs in the Department of Civil Engineering, as Engineering Geology Division and later as Geo-Engineering Research Laboratory. It became an independent entity, in 1980. The faculty comprises of teachers drawn from different disciplines like geology, geophysics, geography, meteorology, remote sensing and mathematics. In recognition of the significant work carried out in the area of Remote Sensing, the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, sanctioned financial support to the Department for establishing a "Center for Remote Sensing and Information Systems" in 1983. Being the earliest of such centers in the country, the Department is the first in the country, to start a M.Tech. Course in Remote Sensing in 1988 and it is four semester and the Department get similar credits in starting M.Tech. Geo-Engg. also. The department has successfully carried out several research projects, with multidisciplinary approach funded by ISRO, DST, MOEn, DONCE, DOD, NRSA, AICTE, IGIDR and other govt. and non-govt. organizations. The India Space Research Organizations has sanctioned an amount of Rs.37.80 lakhs towards building a state-of-the-art-remote sensing and GIS laboratory as part of the joint teaching and research programme. The faculty has been associated with a number of programmes at a national and international level organisations of projects and research with ITC, Netherlands and Shimane University, Japan, CSSTS-AP (UN center) and IIRS, Dehradun. Consultancy services are offered in the areas of groundwater, soil investigations, remote sensing, thematic mapping and water quality analysis to organisations like Visakha Steel Plant, RITES, HPCL, BHPV, NWDA, NMDC, NTPC, MES, HZL, IREL, ETC., and private industries like Hinduja power plant, Gujarat Abuja cements and Reliance Industries. The faculty fulfills their responsibilities to the society by involving themselves in creating awareness in water harvesting and water conservation methods. The Department has been providing training in modern methods of Remote Sensing and GIS water resources and watershed management studies to engineers of various governmental/non-governmental organizations.
.Name | Designation | Qualification | Specialization |
Prof. P. Jagadeeswara Rao | Professor | M.Sc., Post M.Sc.(Tech)., M.Tech(RS & GIS)., Ph.D. | Geology, Hydrogeology (RS & GIS) |