- Name : Dr. P. Vijaya Laxmi
- Designation : Head of the Department
- Phone : 9989578075, (O) 0891-2844524, 4525
- Email: head.appliedmaths@andhrauniversity.edu.in
The Department of Applied Mathematics, formally called Mathematical Physics, was the first in South India to start post-graduation and research programmes in Applied Mathematics. Since its inception in 1942, this department has been serving with distinction to the needs of training young students for undertaking advanced teaching in Institutes of Technology and research organizations involved in scientific work at National and International levels. Prof.S.Bhagavantham, a renowned physicist was in charge of the Department in the beginning. He later became the scientific advisor in the Ministry of Defence. Prof.A.Narsinga Rao took over as Head of the Department in 1946. In 1966, the Department of Mathematical Physics was renamed as the Department of Applied Mathematics during the headship of Prof.T.Venkata Rayudu keeping in view the importance of Mathematical applications in various branches of Physics, Engineering, Biological and Social Sciences. The alumni of this department occupied high positions in teaching, research and scientific organizations spread over India and abroad. The students obtained degrees from this Department are getting placements in not only in higher education institutions but also in research organizations, software companies etc...
Eminent Applied Mathematicians Dr.N.Nagendranath, Prof.T.Venkata Rayudu, Prof.S.Meenakshi Sundaram, Prof.T.S.G.Krishna Murthy, Prof.D.R.K.Sangameswara Rao, Prof.L.S.R.K.Prasad, Prof.V.A.Narasimham, Prof.I.H.Nagaraja Rao, Prof.V.V.Ramana Rao, Prof.A.Sitapathi, Prof.Y.Vasudeva Rao, Prof.K.Narsimha Murthy, Prof.D.R.K.Reddy, Prof.K.Bhaskara Rao, Prof.Ch.Suryanarayana, Prof.K.Rama Mohana Rao, Prof.V.Uma Maheswara Rao, former Registrar, Andhra University, Prof.K.Rajendra Prasad and Prof. M. Vijaya Santhi headed this department.
It is well known that the book “Theory of Groups & Applications to Physical Problems” jointly authored by S.Bhagavatham and T.Venkatarayudu, and the book “Typical Means” written by S.Meenakshi Sundaram and K.Chandrasekharan acquired International recognition.
At present the department has two professors Prof. K. Rajendra Prasad, Chairman-BOS, Prof. M. Vijaya Santhi, an Associate Professor Dr. P. Vijaya Laxmi, Head of the Department and two Assistant Professors Dr. T. Vinutha (UGC-FRP), Dr. Madhusmitha Tripathy (UGC-FRP). The faculty of this department is actively engaged in teaching and research since its inception and published more than 1500 research papers in various national & international journals of high repute. Also, around 150 students have obtained Ph.D/M.Phil degrees from this department in various specialized areas. The department has actively linked with reputed national level institutes like VSSRC, ISRO, NIO, IIIT, IIT’s and NSTL, in providing personnel for teaching and research programs. With globalization, this department is aware of its responsibilities in developing in many emerging areas of Applied Mathematics such as non-destructive testing, computing and mathematical modeling. This department has built up a strong research base with advanced level Treatises authored by its faculty and published by reputed houses like the Academic press and the Oxford University Press. The expertise of the faculty of this department is recognized by the Government of Andhra Pradesh and the faculty has been involved in writing and editing Text books in Mathematics at Secondary School, Intermediate, U.G. and P.G. levels since 1970.
The department also achieved the financial support from DST-FIST Program – 2017 (Level-1) based on its performance. The department also organized many conferences/seminars/symposia like "National Seminar on Modern trends in Applied Mathematics (NSMTAM-2010)", "National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics (NSETAM-2014)", "International Conference on Recent Inventions and Innovations in Mathematical Sciences (ICRIIMS-2019)" sponsored by Andhra University, DST. CSIR, UGC, NBHM, etc.
Course Name | Duration |
M.Sc. Programme | Two years – 40 seats (28 regular & 12 self- finance) |
M.Phil (FT/PT) | One/Two years |
Ph.D (FT/PT) |
Three/Five years Thrust Areas: Boundary Value Problems, Relativity and Cosmology, Operations Research, Numerical Analysis and Finite Element Method. |
Name | Designation | Qualification | Specialization |
Prof. K. Rajendra Prasad |
Professor & BOS, Chairman | M.Sc., Ph.D. DCS&A | Boundary Value Problems |
Prof. M.Vijaya Santhi |
Professor & Head of the Department | M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. | Relativity and cosmology |
Dr. P.Vijaya Laxmi | Associate Professor | M.Sc., Ph.D. | Operations Research, Queueing Theory |
Dr. T. Vinutha | UGC-Assistant Professor | M.Sc., Ph.D. | Relativity and cosmology |
Dr. Madhusmita Tripathy | UGC-Assistant Professor | M.Sc., Ph.D. |
Numerical Analysis, Mixed Finite element methods, Adaptive Finite element methods for PDEs |