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  • Name : Dr. B.B.V.Sailaja
  • Designation : Head of the Department
  • Phone : 0891 2844657, 4656 || (+91) 8639574190
  • Email: head.inorganic@andhrauniversity.edu.in

The Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry was formed in 1984 as an off spring of the erstwhile Department of Chemistry. The history of the Department of Chemistry, dates back to 1931 and it was one of the first few science departments to be organised on the Andhra University Campus as a part of the J.V.D.College of Science and Technology. Prof. Ludwig Wolf, an eminent Inorganic Chemist from Europe (Germany) equipped the Chemistry Laboratories in the first few years. In 1934 Prof. T.R.Seshadri took over the leadership from Prof. Wolf and developed the Department of Chemistry into a centre of advanced learning. He was succeeded by savants like Prof. Gandikota Gopala Rao, Prof. Bh.S.V.Raghava Rao, Prof. Neelakantam, Prof. L.R.Row, Prof. M.N.Sastry, Prof. S.R.Sagi and Prof. C.Bheema shankara Rao to guide the destiny of the Department. Under their stewardship the Department developed rich traditions of teaching and achieved international recognition in Research.

BY 1980, the Department of Chemistry of the Andhra University achieved such heights that the Vth Plan visiting Committee of the U.G.C. recommended reorganization of the Department into a School of Chemistry with three constituent Departments in it, to sustain the growth. Following the recommendation of the committee, Andhra University, in 1984, established the School of Chemistry with 1) The Departments of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry 2) The Department of Physical and Nuclear Chemistry and Chemical Oceanography and 3) The Department of Organic Chemistry and Foods, Drugs and Water and Analysis.

To start with, the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry was offering only two specializations in Chemistry namely, Inorganic Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry. Within two years after its establishment (1985), the Department introduced Bio-Inorganic Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry as two more new specializations, in tune with the rapid developments taking place in these two fields. So, the Department is presently offering Analytical, Bio-Inorganic, Environmental and Inorganic chemistry specializations in M.Sc. Chemistry.

Course Seats Available
M.Sc. (Analytical Chemistry) 24
M.Sc. (Environmental Chemistry) 20
M.Sc. (Inorganic Chemistry) 24
M.Sc. (Bio-Inorganic Chemistry) 20

Name Designation Qualification Specialization
Prof. T.Siva Rao Professor M.Sc.,Ph.D Bio-Inorganic Chemistry
Prof. K.Basavaiah Professor M.Sc.,Ph.D Nanomaterials for catalysis, energy & Environmental applications, 1D conducting polymers, Graphene based nanocomposites
Dr. B.B.V.Sailaja Associate Professor &
Head of the Department
M.Sc.,Ph.D Bio Inorganic Chemistry
Name Designation
Prof. P. Vani Honorary Professor
Prof.G.Nageswara Rao Honorary Professor

    General Chemistry
    M.Sc General Chemistry 1st Semester Effective from 2020-21 academic year
    Analytical Chemistry
    Quality control and Traditional methods of Analysis-I(Effective only for 2020-21 academic year
    Applied Analysis-I(Effective only for 2020-21 academic year
    Separation Methods – I (Effective for 2020-21)
    INSTRUMENTAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS - I (Effective only for 2020-21) academic year
    Bioinorganic Chemistry
    Chemistry of Life Processes -I (Effective from 2005-06 Admitted batch)
    Structure, Bonding and Reactivity of coordination compounds - I (Effective from 2005 -2006 admitted batch)
    Coordination Chemistry of Biological Systems - I (Effective from 2005 -2006 admitted batch)
    Instrumental methods in biochemical analysis-I (Effective from 2018– 2019 admitted batch)
    Environmental Chemistry
    Environment and Energy-I (Effective from 2005-06 Admitted batch)
    Air Pollution and its control
    Elementary Microbiology (Effective for 2020-21 Admitted batch)
    INSTRUMENTAL METHODS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS-I (Effective from 2020-2021 Admitted batch)
    Inorganic Chemistry
    Solid State Chemistry -1 (Effective for 2020-21)
    Structure, Bonding and Reactivity of coordination compounds – I (Effective from 2005-06 Admitted batch)
    Bio-inorganic Chemistry (Effective from 2008—2009 admitted batch)
    PHYSICAL METHODS IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY-I (effective from the admitted batch of 2018-2019)